CGRS recommendations regarding medical elements in the asylum procedure: current situation and future perspectives

On 28 June 2024, the CGRS published a communication regarding one of its projects focusing on applicants for international protection with physical and/or mental vulnerabilities. It also contained the recommendations regarding medical elements in the asylum procedure developed by the CGRS in consultation with the Superior Health Council and the Fedasil medical service among others. These recommendations (in Dutch or French) and an accompanying list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) (in Dutch or French) were officially published on 1 July 2024.

In July, September and November, the CGRS organized a series of online information sessions for professionals in (mental) health care in Belgium, who report medical findings as part of the asylum procedure, as well as for other external stakeholders. These include lawyers, Fedasil and its partner organizations such as Red Cross Flanders or Caritas. Staff members of interest groups such as Constats, Nansen, Médecins Du Monde and GAMS, or social assistants working for public centres for social welfare, also belong to this group. These exchanges were positive and constructive and, based on the input obtained, the content of the CGRS recommendations and FAQ was finalized in October 2024. For the time being, these texts are available in Dutch and French. In the future, they will also be translated into English.

Meanwhile, a digital A2 information poster (in Dutch or French) containing the recommendations was also created. The poster includes a brief explanation of the initiative, as well as a QR code referring applicants and their representatives to the full text of the recommendations and the FAQ on the general website of the CGRS.

You will find the current version of the recommendations, as well as the FAQ and the poster under the ‘‘Publications” heading on the general website of the CGRS. Anyone can of course draw the attention of the applicants and their representatives such as lawyers or guardians to this information and its location.

In 2025, the CGRS intends to evaluate this initiative to assess its impact. More information will be communicated at a later stage.

For any further questions about the CGRS project or the initiative regarding the recommendations, please contact the vulnerability project team at the following e-mail address:

30 January 2025