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Recent reports

19 Apr 2024

L’objectif de la présente recherche consiste à dresser un état des lieux de la situation dans la capitale malienne. Elle porte principalement sur la période allant du 1er  janvier 2021 au 31 décembre 2023.

26 Mar 2024

Het doel van deze COI Focus is een stand van zaken op te maken over de veiligheidssituatie op de Westelijke Jordaanoever. Het onderzoek richt zich op de periode van april 2023 tot februari 2024, met bijzondere aandacht voor de ontwikkelingen na 7 oktober 2023. Het gaat om een update van de COI Focus Palestijns Gebied – Westelijke Jordaanoever. Veiligheidssituatie, gepubliceerd op 26 april 2023.

26 Mar 2024

Deze COI Focus maakt een stand van zaken op over de veiligheidssituatie in de regionale staat Oromia in Ethiopië.

Dit rapport bouwt verder op de gelijknamige COI Focus van 15 februari 2022. Anders dan voorgaande COI Focus gaat dit rapport niet in op de demografische context van de regio, ook gaat het niet uitgebreid in op de politieke ontwikkelingen in de periode volgend op het aantreden van premier Abiy Ahmed. Dit rapport beperkt zich tot de gewapende opstand van het Oromo Liberation Army (OLA), en focust daarbij op de periode vanaf het Cessation of Hositilities Agreement (CoHA) dat begin november 2022 een einde maakt aan de oorlog in Tigray tot februari 2024.

Het onderzoek werd afgesloten op 11 maart 2024.

All reports (427)


14 January 2021

In deze COI Focus bestudeert Cedoca de prevalentie van corruptie en documentenfraude in Afghanistan. Dit rapport is een update van de COI Focus Afghanistan. Corruptie en documentenfraude van 21 november 2017. Dit document beschrijft de nieuwe ontwikkelingen sinds januari 2018 en concentreert zich op de huidige situatie. Cedoca raadpleegde voornamelijk bronnen gedateerd van januari 2018 tot en met december 2020. Omwille van hun relevantie en voor een goed begrip van de context van corruptie en documentenfraude in Afghanistan, heeft Cedoca ook enkele oudere bronnen geconsulteerd en opgenomen.

Deze COI Focus geeft geen uitsluitsel over de authenticiteit van een specifiek document dat ter ondersteuning van een concreet verzoek om internationale bescherming is neergelegd.

28 September 2020

This report aims to provide information on the security situation in Afghanistan, which is relevant for the assessment of international protection status determination, including refugee status and subsidiary protection.

This report is an update of the EASO COI report Afghanistan Security Situation first published in January 2015 and updated annually.

This report is the last one of a series of COI reports on Afghanistan published by EASO between July and September 2020.

26 August 2020

The report provides an overview of the state structure, security institutions and state judiciary in Afghanistan. It is meant to be read in conjunction with other 2020 EASO COI reports on Afghanistan, which provide relevant information regarding topics such as customary law and informal dispute resolution, the main insurgent groups, targeted violence, security situation and armed conflict developments, and key socioeconomic indicators.

The report is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on presenting an overview of the state structure in Afghanistan, including governance, corruption, and the latest developments on the 2019 elections. The second part focuses on the state security institutions, their mandate and structure, integrity, and the main reported cases of violations perpetrated by these security forces. The third part of the report provides a general overview of the state judiciary, focusing on its capacity, integrity, effectiveness in prosecution, as well as prison conditions.

The drafting of this report was finalised on 30 June 2020. Any event taking place after this date is not included in this report.

14 August 2020

The purpose of this report is to provide relevant information for the assessment of international protection status determination, including refugee status and subsidiary protection. In particular, it is intended to inform the update of the chapter on Internal Protection Alternative within the Country Guidance on Afghanistan 2020 update.

The report is meant as an update of the EASO COI Report Afghanistan, Key socio-economic indicators 2019.

After providing some background information on the cities of Kabul, Herat and Mazar-e Sharif and discussing their accessibility, the report looks into several socio-economic indicators. The information is provided for the country as a whole, and where available for the three cities separately. Additional attention is paid to specific vulnerable groups such as IDPs, returnees, women and children.

The drafting of this report was finalised on 27 July 2020. Any event taking place after this date is not included in this report.



10 August 2020

The report provides an overview of the main Anti-Government Elements (AGEs) in Afghanistan, primarily the Taliban and Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP), with a focus on describing the modus operandi, structure and activities of these groups with respect to targeted killings and attacks on particular profiles.

The report is divided into four sections: Section 1 provides a general overview of the situation relating to armed conflict and AGEs, as well as recent developments on the Doha agreement with the US government and the Taliban; Section 2 provides information on the main points of the structure and modus operandi of the Taliban and main targeted profiles related to this group; Section 3 provides information on the ISKP and main targeted profiles; Section 4 provides an overview of other AGEs operating in Afghanistan, such as Al Qaeda, Haqqani Network and Foreign AGEs.

The drafting of this report was finalised 18 June 2020. Any event taking place after this date is not included in this report.

21 July 2020

This report provides an overview of the pluralistic legal system of codified and uncodified, formal and informal (customary) norms which govern Afghan society. The report also focuses on the topic of land dispute as one of the main sources of conflict in Afghanistan, providing information on formal and informal mechanism of dispute resolution, including Taliban’s involvement in resolving land disputes. Finally, it describes the practices of blood feuds and revenge killing, including customary blood feud resolution and compensation, and prosecution by the state.

The drafting of this report was finalised on 30 June 2020. Any event taking place after this date is not included in this report.


Information about the asylum procedure, tailored to the asylum seeker, can be found at :