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Recent reports

14 Feb 2025

Le présent COI Focus dresse un état des lieux de la situation sécuritaire au Burundi. Il s’agit d’une mise à jour du COI Focus Situation sécuritaire du 31 mai 2023, qui reprend les principaux développements survenus entre juin 2023 et le 31 janvier 2025.

12 Feb 2025

Deze COI Focus Algemene situatie biedt een overzicht en analyse van de actuele situatie in Georgië (januari 2021 – half januari 2025). De aandacht gaat hierbij specifiek uit naar de politieke situatie, het rechtssysteem, de implementatie van wetten, eventuele vervolging of mishandeling van personen met specifieke profielen (o.a. etnische en religieuze minderheden, LGBTI+, journalisten, activisten, politieke oppositie, gedetineerden, etc.) en de mate waarin hiertegen bescherming geboden wordt. De situatie in de twee de facto onafhankelijke regio’s Zuid-Ossetië en Abchazië, die zich aan het gezag van de centrale Georgische autoriteiten onttrekken, wordt afzonderlijk besproken.

Deze COI Focus is een actualisering van de COI Focus Georgië. Algemene situatie van 11 december 2023. Deze COI Focus geeft een zicht op de situatie tot en met 16 januari 2025.

11 Feb 2025

The purpose of this security situation report is to provide relevant information for the assessment of international protection status determination, including refugee status and subsidiary protection, and in particular for use in the upcoming EUAA’s country guidance development on Sudan.

The report covers the period of February 2024 – November 2024, and it provides an update of the EUAA COI report: Sudan: Country Focus (April 2024). For topics not covered in the previous report such as the security situation in North, East and part of Central regions, the reference period is 15 April 2023 – 30 November 2024.

All reports (478)


08 December 2023

La présente recherche rassemble des informations sur la situation des minorités sexuelles et de genre en Angola, en particulier sur la situation des homosexuels, des lesbiennes et des personnes transgenres.

Ce document rassemble des informations sur une période de cinq ans, du 1er juillet 2018 au 1er novembre 2023. Le Cedoca a clôturé les recherches le 15 novembre 2023.


17 October 2024

This COI Focus examines the current political situation in Armenia in the aftermath of the April 2018 Velvet Revolution, which saw the former government fall into opposition and former opposition leaders take power. Cedoca examined the impact of several events - including the war in Nagorno-Karabakh in 2020 and the region's surrender following an Azerbaijani offensive in September 2023 - on the domestic political situation and on political freedoms of citizens. Cedoca assessed in particular whether there are signs of political persecution, whether citizens or opponents may face difficulties in expressing their views on political issues, whether there are risks associated with participating in anti-government demonstrations, and whether past links to the former government or oligarchs might have consequences. Cedoca also examined what protection mechanisms exist and how accessible and effective they are for citizens experiencing problems with current or previous authorities.

Research for this COI Focus was completed on 12 September 2024.

27 June 2024

This COI Focus analyses the current procedures concerning conscription in Armenia and how the legislation is implemented in practice. In addition, Cedoca conducted research on the organisation and conduct of military training for reservists, and motives for exemption. Cedoca also looked into the possibilities of ending criminal prosecution for conscription evasion, existing mechanisms to raise conscription issues or challenge a decision related to the call-up procedure of conscripts or reservists. In addition, Cedoca examined the conduct and possible outcome of criminal cases initiated in connection with the 2020 war. Lastly, Cedoca investigated whether individuals are screened for criminal charges when entering or leaving Armenia, as well as the documents that are checked during this process.

Cedoca conducted a fact-finding mission to Armenia from 18 to 26 March 2024 to gather information. This fact-finding mission was undertaken with the financial support of the European Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF).

Research for this COI Focus was completed on 17 June 2024.

05 December 2023

Le présent COI Focus a pour objet l’évolution des relations entre l’Arménie et l’Azerbaïdjan en 2022-2023 (jusqu’à la fin du mois de novembre). Le Cedoca a mené ces recherches entre le 20 août et le 1er décembre 2023.


11 July 2024

The purpose of this report on Bangladesh is to provide relevant information in view of the assessment of international protection, including refugee status and subsidiary protection. This report intends to capture a selection of the main issues relevant to international protection in the assessment of claims from Bangladeshi nationals.

The reference period of this report is 1 January 2022–15 May 2024. Events taking place after the reference period have not been included.

20 December 2017

In a ‘Country Overview’ report, EASO aims to provide information on a wide range of topics of particular relevance for international protection status determination (Refugee Status and Subsidiary Protection) for Bangladeshi applicants.

The information has largely been taken from open sources, such as international and Bangladeshi NGOs, think tanks, media, and academic research. The majority of the information was researched during the drafting period 4 to 22 September 2017. Some additional information was researched during the implementation phase of the peer-review comments, with the purpose of complementing the existing draft.
