The questionnaire

At the IO, the applicant fills in the questionnaire of the CGRS with the help of an interpreter. In this questionnaire, applicants are asked to state the reasons why they have fled their country of origin. For every subsequent application, an applicant has to give new elements.

The IO employee reads the answers to the questionnaire to the applicant, who signs for approval.

The IO sends the asylum file to the CGRS, where it will be thoroughly examined.

The registration of the asylum application

Foreign nationals apply for international protection at the Immigration Office (IO), which registers their application. They next have to lodge their actual application. The IO determines the language in which the asylum procedure will take place and asks questions about the applicant's personal details. Upon registration, the applicant has to hand in all the relevant documents in his/her possession.

Which country is responsible?

The IO determines whether Belgium is responsible for the asylum investigation according to the 'Dublin III Regulation'.

Reception and guidance

When the applicant has made his application for international protection, (s)he can ask Fedasil for accommodation in a reception centre, material help, and social, legal and medical guidance.

There are about fifty reception centres in Belgium. They are run by Fedasil or one of its partners (such as the Red Cross). These centres are open centres and each of them offers the same services: accommodation, guidance, support in daily life and neighbourhood activities.