Cette addendum complète le COI Focus du 7 avril 2021 et se focalise uniquement sur quelques tendances de la violence liée au conflit armé au Burkina Faso depuis le 31 mars 2021, date de clôture des recherches du COI Focus précité, jusqu’au 16 juin 2021.
Le Cedoca s’est principalement basé sur la presse burkinabè et internationale, sur des publications d’organisations de défense des droits de l’homme telles que Amnesty International (AI) et Human Rights Watch (HRW), ainsi que sur les travaux des chercheurs José Luengo-Cabrera (Banque mondiale) et Jules Duhamel (chercheur indépendant).
Cet addendum reprend les derniers constats relatifs à la violence de ces deux chercheurs puis s’intéresse à un incident particulier, l’attaque de Solhan en juin 2021, afin de décrire quelques autres tendances.
The policy implemented by the Commissioner General is based on a thorough analysis of accurate and up-to-date information on the general situation in the country of origin. This information is collated in a professional manner from various, objective sources, including the EASO, the UNHCR, relevant international human rights organisations, non-governmental organisations, professional literature and coverage in the media. When determining policy, the Commissioner General does not only examine the COI Focuses written by Cedoca and published on this website, as these deal with just one aspect of the general situation in the country of origin. The fact that a COI Focus could be out-of-date does not mean that the policy that is being implemented by the Commissioner General is no longer up-to-date.
When assessing an application for asylum, the Commissioner General not only considers the actual situation in the country of origin at the moment of decision-making, he also takes into account the individual situation and personal circumstances of the applicant for international protection. Every asylum application is examined individually. An applicant must comprehensively demonstrate that he has a well-founded fear of persecution or that there is a clear personal risk of serious harm. He cannot, therefore, simply refer back to the general conditions in his country, but must also present concrete, credible and personal facts.
There is no policy paper for this country available on the website.