Standard procedure

The CGRS processes an application for international protection according to the standard procedure. The CGRS assesses the content of the reasons why the applicant left his country of origin, and examines their compatibility with the refugee definition and the subsidiary protection definition.

The CGRS invites every applicant at least once to a personal interview. The period between the sending of the invitation letter and the date of the personal interview is at least eight days.

The CGRS can decide:

  • to grant refugee status;
  • to refuse refugee status and to grant subsidiary protection status;
  • to refuse both refugee status and subsidiary protection status;
  • to exclude the applicant from a protection status.

The applicant can lodge an appeal with the Council for Alien Law Litigation (CALL) against the decision of refusal taken by the CGRS. This is an appeal in full jurisdiction. This means that the CALL reassesses the case in its entirety and decides on the substance of the case.

The application must be filed within 30 days after the decision has been notified. The period of appeal is ten days if the applicant is detained.

The CALL can confirm the decision of the CGRS:

  • the CCE follows the decision taken by the CGRS.
  • The CALL can annul the decision of the CGRS: the CCE sends back the decision to the CGRS, which takes a new decision.
  • The CALL can reverse the decision of the CGRS: the decision taken by the CCE differs from the one taken by the CGRS. In that way, the CCE can grant protection status after it has been refused by the CGRS.


Other specific procedures