@CGVS_CGRA: follow the CGRS on Twitter

As a visitor of our website, you may wish to be informed straight away of the latest news on the Belgian asylum procedure and on the work and the policy of the CGRS: from now you can follow us on http://twitter.com/CGVS_CGRA and @CGVS_CGRA.

The CGRS cannot and does not wish to dialogue with asylum seekers through Twitter. For the shortest way to obtain information about an individual asylum application, please contact the CGRS helpdesk, call +32 (0)2 205 51 11 or send an e-mail to cgvs.info@ibz.fgov.be.

30 March 2017

Information about the asylum procedure, tailored to the asylum seeker, can be found at : asyluminbelgium.be.